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Use our all-in-one framework to quickly build full-stack Go applications with all dependencies included in a single binary.

Revolutionise your full-stack application development and deployment process with our comprehensive, open-source framework GHAT(D) — It leverages the Go programming language, HMTX, Alpine.js, Tailwind CSS, and Daisy UI.

🧳 Portability

Leverage Go's portability with full-stack web apps by compiling your entire app(s) into a single binary file, which can be shipped with most server, container, or serverless solutions.

🔒 Security

When shipping full-stack web apps, reduce attack surface by minimising system dependencies with GHAT(D).

⏲️ Save time

Our focus is to streamline your workflows, optimise performance and maximise deployment options, saving you valuable time and maximising costs usually associated with deploying and leveraging full-stack solutions. Get started today and experience the power of GHAT(D) at your fingertips.